Galatians 5:24
Those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires.

Desire is the difference between just believing and acting upon your belief to have faith. You must desire to live for God, desire to have faith in God, desire to know more about God's Word, desire to pray daily to God, desire to be in His church worshipping, serving, giving, and glorifying God.
What is your desire? Desire to be more like God or to follow your selfish desires for this world? What is your desire to put God first, or put sports, hobbies, money, and self above God? Desire is a strong wish or want for something do you wish you were more like Christ? Do you want to be more like Christ? Then you have to desire it. Make an effort. Be committed. Stop making excuses. Stop putting other things before God. Stop justifying your actions, attitudes, and behaviors.
Our scripture above from Galatians, Paul tells those Christians if they belong to Christ, just like Christ was crucified for our sins, we also have to crucify our flesh and all the passions and desires that come with it. Your flesh will always want what the world has to offer and never what God wants for us. The only way your going to overcome worldly desires is to crucify them(kill them) and seek the desires of God.
Understand the difference between eternal(God) and temporary(anything in this world and life) and seek things in your life that are lasting. We put so much effort on our own wants, goals, hobbies, etc...and before you know it we are more committed to our job, our kids sport, our hobbies, or our bank accounts than we are our God. But don't be fooled, all the things of this earth will pass away, but God is forever and so is eternity. Choose what desires to follow wisely.
You want to have desires for God? Than start praying more often, start reading and studying His Word, make more time to serve God and give to Him, be a little more faithful to your church attendance and consistent in your worship of Him. Make changes that you know are keeping you from Godly desires. If your open, honest, and sincere God's Holy Spirit will guide you to help you have the same desires of God. Strive to Put God First. Pray for Godly Desires. Work on your desires for God and less for the things of this world.
1 John 2:17
The world and its desires pass away, but whoever does the will of God lives forever.