Wednesday, February 22, 2012

God's Timing

God's Timing

One of the hardest lessons for anyone to learn is that God's timing and our timing do not always match up.  We pray and want things and want them now! Our society of instant gratification has ruined our patience and faith in God, because what we want we want now, without even considering it may not even be God's will especially in our prayers.

We can rest assured if we have faith in God and a committed relationship with Him, He will ALWAYS give us what we NEED and not always what we want.  But, it's more than just desires of wants or needs, the key is to understand that God is God and we are not and that His timing is not the same as ours.

So many times we try to bring God down to our level and place God in human terms, but instead we should be striving to be more like God, learning to wait on God's timing, and trusting in His will for our lives.  He is God.  He is Holy.  He is creator.  He deserves and demands our trust!

It's ok to pray for things, but we must learn that when we approach God we must not only pray in faith, but we also must learn to pray with the attitude of  God's will be done, but most of all be willing to wait and trust in His timing.

They say in the entertainment business that "timing is everything" and I believe that in the Christian faith.  Timing is everything and that timing is God's not ours.  It may take  years to get a prayer answered and it may not be answered in the way we want, but that is where we trust in God's bigger picture and plan, things that we may not see or know.

Some of our prayers do get answered quickly and fairly often, but many take lots of time, because there are other factors going on.  As the old song says,  "God works in ways we cannot see-He will make a way".  We have to learn to trust, wait, and have faith in God's perfect timing. It's perfect everytime.  Ours is not, and  sometimes God may be trying to protect us, He may be working in someone else's lives and there are factors and things taking place and taking time that we do not known about, so therefore we have to wait on God and trust in His perfect will and timing.

Whether we are praying for others, ourselves, a situation, a problem, a loved one, an illness, a job, or anything and any situation we are praying to God about,  we all have to give it to Him in prayer and understand the Holy Spirit even speaks when we don't have the words to express, and when we give it to God and keep praying about it, we must be faithful in our prayers, but also faithful in our trust, patience, and waiting on God to work.  God's timing, let's wait on it!

Isaiah 64:4(NIV)Since ancient times no one has heard, no ear has perceived, no eye has seen any God besides you, who acts on behalf of those who wait for him.

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