Common Sense?
We are so blinded by our agendas, "rights", religions, ways,views, greed, and opinions that we lose sight of what's really important and basically our voice, our respect, and self-respect is lost in translation.
We have people doing and saying things in "The Name of God", but honestly The God I know and read about in the Bible doesn't really act that way, treat people that way ,or doesn't give us His authority. We have others doing things so they can live a certain way or get something they want and they have no consideration or respect for others. Neither way or side is right.
We have lost common sense when it comes to all these social issues, spiritual issues, religious issues, and economical issues going on in our world today.
I am not an expert and what I share I can only share based on my personal convictions from God, my study and knowledge of His Bible, and through my experiences, and I do not have all the answers to every problem and issue going on in the world right now, but there are some things I do know and I want to share with everyone. We cannot know everything, but we can know what we know and use common sense in our daily lives and remove the personal agendas, feelings, and emotions from things.
Here is what I do know:
1. God loves everyone. He created everyone and everyone of us in His Image. I also know He sent Jesus(his son) to die for OUR sins and that is ultimate Love to sacrifice like that. So make no mistakes, God loves everyone yes the gay and the straight; the sinner and the christian; baptist and catholic; democrat and republican; blacks and whites; etc... Pick your scenario, God loves everyone period and so should we.
2. God loving everyone and accepting everyone DOES NOT mean that God loves everyone's choices, lifestyles, behaviors, attitudes, actions, and decisions. Please know God's desire for us to accept others who are different than us or we disagree with does not mean we support or accept those things, but we still accept them and love them. I have people in my life that I love who are gay, straight but living in sin not married, who smoke pot, and who drink way to much, who don't go to church, or who go to church but are legalistic, but I still love them, not their choices and I'm pretty sure they love me and don't agree with me on everything. God still accepts them and so should we. Our acceptance of one another as human beings doesn't condone choices.
3. We need to become less "issue" driven and more "common sense" driven. We get so passionate about an issue that we lose all common sense. For some of you the issue this week is gay rights, to others politics, to others its religion, to others is sports, or abortion, or pick your poison. The point is people stop listening to you, respecting you, and hearing you if you are so arrogant, pushy, dogmatic, legalistic, liberal, or over the top in sharing your "issue". The bottom line is there is no ONE issue in this world that is worth losing your soul, your family, your friendships, your jobs, and forsaking all the other issues going on in your life. Get a grip. Stop making life about "one" thing.
4. I don't have to agree with you and you don't have to agree with me and that's ok. For example, I am for people having equal rights, all people. However, equal rights doesn't mean I agree with gay marriage. My view of marriage is based on my belief in the Bible and God is the one who "made" marriage not people or the government, but that is my view. I do think they should be able to share healthcare/retirement/benefits,etc...that is a basic human right. You can agree or disagree, I won't lose sleep and neither should you nor will I stop being your friend and hope I I won't lose you.
I do not think anyone should be denied basic rights, but to me that issue is separate from marriage. But that is also true of Faith. How many divisions are there in churches among christians because we can't agree on doctrines, scripture, and practices???? We are so determined at times to be "right" or "get our way" that we fail to realize that if someones doesn't agree with me on something that the world is not going to end. Even if you or I are right about politics, social issues, or the Bible, we aren't going to change everyone or get everyone to agree with us, it's impossible and disagreeing shouldn't mean we can't fellowship, get along, or accept one another or be respectful of the differences we have. Most times we have way more common ground that we do difference.
5. Finally, People misuse, misquote, and mistreat Scripture in the Bible so that we can live a certain way, justify behaviors, lifestyles, and actions, or to make a point or prove others wrong and that is just plain sin. The bible says what it says, some things are commands and other things are suggestions. Some things are doctrinal and other things there is liberty to use wisdom, discernment, and yes, COMMON SENSE. We have to take the bible and look at what is written in context and with an open honest heart and be mature enough to accept what it says. God's Word will convict you of sin, or guide you to truth, or encourage you to stand firm. You do not have to misuse, twist, manipulate, or change the words.
The bottom line is me and you have free will and choice. It doesn't matter what laws the government make or what the Bible tells us to do or not do, we all have ultimate individual responsibility in how we choose to live. We can either break laws or obey them. We can listen to wisdom or shun it, we can honor God's commands or disobey them and do what we want. My encouragement for me and you is not to take advantage of the freedom God gives us to sin and do not use His word to justify your lifestyle, choices, decisions, or actions and stop using His word to condone, endorse, or condemn when it doesn't say that.
People God gave us all "Common Sense" and we need to get back to using it. I don't care what the issue of the day or week is. God never changes. His Word never changes. Society and Culture is constantly changing and there will always be times of darkness and times of light in this world and we must remain faithful to God and His word. What does that mean? It means no matter the the circumstance, issue, problem or situation choose to love and accept people like God does. It means grow up and mature and learn everyone is not going to agree with you and you are not going to agree with everyone, so move on. It means stop focusing on one "issue" because our obsession with it is doing the opposite or what we really want, we are not influencing anyone and mostly driving others away when we become so militant or combative over any one issues. Finally, it means let God and His Word speak the truth and never use it or misuse it, use common sense with yourself, with others, and with God.
Proverbs 10:21(esv)
The lips of the righteous feed many, but fools die for lack of sense.
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