Thursday, May 02, 2013


*my may church newsletter article, thought it was worth re-posting


  Duty, promise, responsibility, and pledge. These are words that describe commitment.What does that word mean to you?  We try to teach our kids to be committed to their teams or educatoin, our employers encourage us to be committed to their company, and many strive to be committed in their relationships to spouses, children, and friends.  What about your relationship to God?  Are you truly a committed follower of Jesus Christ or are you a casual christian?  What about your commitment to God’s church?  

 Many people make “decisions” for Jesus Christ, but fewer make a true commitment and it shows in our lives and in the church.  God desires commitment from those who claim to be His.  He wants us to be committed to our relationship with Him. Growing and maturing in that relationship.  Committed to prayer, to reading and studying His Word, and committed to being a disciple and sharing the good news of His Message.   Many of us are more committed  to our jobs, hobbies, earthly relationships, and our kids activities than we are our relationship with our God.  God not only desires our commitment, but He also deserves our commitment to Him and His church.  

If we truly want to be committed to Christ,  then we have to strive to put Him first in every aspect of our lives and truly be and make a commitment, but it takes time and it is a process.  We have to commit to learning, growing, maturing, developing, and deepening our faith. We have to be faithful in attendance to our church body, faithful in service and giving of our time, abilities, and yes even finances.   I want to challenge you to be committed.  As the great philosopher Yoda said“Do or do not. There is no try.”  We have no problem committing to many things and then treat God and His church like it’s optional.  God gave us His best and He deserves our best.  

Commit your life to Christ.  Recommit your life to Christ.  Commit your family to Christ.  There is no greater commitment in this world to make than an eternal commitment.  I want to encourage you to evaluate your “christianity” and see if you are truly committed to God, His church, His service, and His will? The church here at Ronceverte could be so much more and do so much more if all it’s members were totally committed to being in church, serving God through the church, worship, giving,  reaching out,  helping others, loving God and loving others and going out and making disciples.   Let’s be Committed!

Proverbs 16:3 (NIV) “Commit to the Lord whatever you do, and He will establish your plans.”

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