Something at sometime motivated you to give your life to Christ. To ask Jesus to forgive you of your sins, you confessed His name as son of God and Lord of your life, you were baptized and given the Holy Spirit, and you received grace, mercy, forgiveness, and hope in that moment, but what happened or changed?
You used to attend faithfully, serve faithfully, give generously, be involved, and actively being the church and now what? You attend sporadically and aren't consistent. You don't attend any bible studies? You don't volunteer or serve in any place, and you seldom give of yourself or you time let alone financially. What happened?
I know different things cause different people to be this way, but the bottom line is they are all excuses and those excuses don't match up to the gift God gave you through His son Jesus Christ. He deserves your worship, attention, service, giving, attendance, involvement, gifts, time, abilities, and you! There is no excuse to not living or being a Christian if you claim to be one and there is no excuse for missing Church or not being involved in your local church if you are supposed to be a member.
We make lots of excuses and blame a lot of people why we don't like our church or serve or go like we used to. We make a lot of excuses about being busy, or working too hard, or the kids, or the job, or your age, or something, but the truth is there isn't a legitimate or good enough excuse you can give God to why you aren't "being the church" or worshipping or serving Him like you are called to do.
I've been there, many of us have been there, and we don't need to stay there and we need to avoid allowing ourselves to get in a place where our faith and our church commitment becomes a thing of the past. We are risking, jeopardizing, and gambling with our eternity. Do we seriously think we will stand before the Almighty God someday after what He has done for us and given us through Jesus Christ and think our selfish, lame, no good excuses for not being a faithful Christian or member of His Church body are going to be accepted by Him?
So the question i'm asking today is, "What's it gonna take?" What's it gonna take for you to get serious about your faith and be and remain faithful? I think a God creating me, a Jesus dying for me, and a Holy Spirit given to me should be enough to motivate us to be faithful. That's not counting the Bible He gave us and the Church He established for us and all the other blessings and benefits that come from being a Child of God.
We need to start seriously evaluating our priorities, routines, schedules, and lives and see if God is truly first in our lives. We need to remove and get rid of all excuses we make and give and get off our backsides and get back to worshipping, serving, giving, leading, being involved, sharing our faith, and all the things we should be doing because we Love God and love others and for all the things God has done for us!
I pray that God is enough to motivate me and you to live for Him and remain faithful to Him and His church.
For Christ’s love compels us, because we are convinced that one died for all, and therefore all died.
So, because you are lukewarm—neither hot nor cold—I am about to spit you out of my mouth.
Now it is required that those who have been given a trust must prove faithful.
Keep up the good work, Jason. We all need to be reminded of our call to serve, and of the need for faithfulness.
Thanks Steve for your comments and encouragement.
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